Contact us

We are looking forward to hearing from you

Your Information

Please let us know why you are reaching out

I work for a publishing house and I am interested in receiving a quote

I self-publish and I am interested in receiving a quote

I work at a retailer and am interested in working with Bookwire

I work for a subscription service and am interested in working with Bookwire

I work at a library aggregator and am interested in working with Bookwire


What are you interested in?*

Multiple selection is possible.

What are you interested in?*

Multiple selection is possible.

Are you currently working with another distributor and/or do you have direct contracts with individual shops?

How did you find us?*

Multiple selection is possible.

We look forward to speaking with you!

Bookwire GmbH

Vice President Audio

Videl Bar-Kar

General Manager US

Brittyne Lewis

Do you have any questions for us?


+49 69 907 20 06-0